Monday, March 31, 2008


The Standard Malaysian Name for the light and reddish timber of the family Sapotaceae. Vernacular names applied include nyatoh (Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak) with various epithets and also bengku (Peninsular Malaysia), ekor (Peninsular Malaysia), jangkar (Sarawak), mentua taban (Peninsular Malaysia), rian (Sarawak), semaram (Peninsular Malaysia), sundik (Peninsular Malaysia), taban (Peninsular Malaysia) and taban merah (Peninsular Malaysia). Major species of the timber include Madhuca curtisii, M. kingiana, M. motleyana, M. erythrophylla, M. laurifolia, M. longistyla, M. penicillata, M. sericea, M. sp. A, M. sp. B; Palaquium clarkeanum, P. gutta, P. hexandrum, P. hispidum, P. impressinervium, P. maingayi, P. microphyllum, P. obovatum, P. oxleyanum, P. regina-montium, P. rostratum, P. semaram, P. xanthochymum; Payena dasyphylla, P. lanceolata, P. maingayi and P. obscura. The sapwood is lighter in colour and is only moderately sharply differentiated from the heartwood, which is deep pink-red or red-brown.

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